

So, the Sex was Bad. Now What? A Certified Sex Therapist and Clinical Sexologist Weighs In

Imagine this: After endless swiping and more than a few mediocre dates, you finally meet someone you feel a genuine conn

9 Signs a Relationship Isn’t Right, Even if Nothing is “Wrong”

To state an obvious truth, breakups are hard. In my own experience, they can be even more difficult when you cant pinpoi

Do You Feel Shame About Sex? 5 Expert-Backed Ways To Let It Go

It wasn’t until my mid-to-late-twenties that I realized I was carrying around a significant amount of sexual shame, and

Are You Being Love-Bombed? Here Are the Signs To Look Out For

I know what you’re thinking: Love bombing? Ugh, not another new dating term. Between ghosting, benching, orbiting, etc.,

This is How Long the Honeymoon Phase Actually Lasts in Relationships

If you’ve ever been in a relationship, you have probably experienced that magical time in the beginning of it when your

Is Imposter Syndrome Showing up in Your Relationship? Here’s How To Overcome It

You may have experienced imposter syndrome when you got a promotion or are started a new job, but the lesser-known impos

Are You Being Love-Bombed? Here Are the Signs To Look Out For

I know what you’re thinking: Love bombing? Ugh, not another new dating term. Between ghosting, benching, orbiting, etc.,

How Can You Motivate Your Partner to be Healthier? We Asked an Expert

Source: @kayla_seahSo you’re prioritizing your health and wellness. Maybe you’ve perfected your fitness routine or you’r

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