Shaun Chavis




Is Lectin-free the New Gluten-free?

"Grains and beans are high in lectins, until they're properly cooked. syolacan/Getty ImagesThree-time Grammy winning ar

How Salmonella Can Wind Up in Your Breakfast Cereal

"Surprisingly, the 2018 Honey Smacks recall wasn't the first outbreak of salmonella in cereal. Carol Yepes/Moment/Getty

5 Ways to Use Fresh Cranberries

"Fresh cranberries signal the start of the holiday season. But what exactly are you supposed to do with this tiny tart f

The Light and Fluffy History of Southern Biscuits

"Biscuits as we know them today didn't exactly start out that way. LauriPatterson/Getty ImagesAdmit it: When you think o

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