Beauty Secrets We Swear By: 8 Glowing Skin Tips Every Girl Needs

Skincare isn’t something that should be taken lightly. As we age, our skin needs our education and understanding more an

9 Best Korean Skincare Routine Tips and Products for Glowing Skin

Adopting a Korean skincare routine is more than just a way to care for your skin, it has become a global sensation. This

26 Water Detox Recipes for Weight Loss and Clear Skin

Drinking water is essential for a healthy body and a glowing complexion. But I get it, when you’re suppose to drink eigh

Midnight Snacks Could Lead to … Sunburn?

"A new study found another possible unappetizing consequence of late night dining: an increased risk for sunburn. jcaril

Blackout Tattoos: Now That’s Some Serious Ink

"A tattooist sporting a blackout tattoo on her left arm makes a tattoo during the China Tattoo Convention 2015. ChinaFot

Glow Up Challenge: 10 Ways to Transform Yourself in 30 Days

It’s hard to put yourself first, especially if you’re juggling a busy work schedule, social plans, kids and relationship

How to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles: 12 Tips and Products

Forehead wrinkles got you feeling down? As one of the top skincare aging concerns, you’re definitely not alone. While wr

Face Yoga 101: 8 Facial Exercises for a Younger and Slimmer Face

Face yoga is a natural way to maintain or regain your youthful appearance. It delivers skin-lifting effects without the

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