10 Surprising Things You Can Clean With Dishwasher Tablets

Many "home hacks" revolve around ways to use common household items like vinegar or baking soda to clean things. Another

10 Things You Can Actually Clean in Your Dishwasher

Your dishwasher is more versatile than you might think. Some people even cook fish in them, though dishwasher salmon mig

How to Remove Stuck On Stickers from Cars

Car stickers are a fun way to support your favorite team, vacation destination, brand and so much more. After a while, y

How to Remove Graphite and Pencil Lead Stains

"Follow these steps to remove graphite and pencil lead stains­.Dale Wilson/Getty Images­Pencils are great because they a

How to Remove a Coffee Stain from Clothes

One of the most common clothing stains is coffee. It can ruin your day at the snap of a finger, but it doesnt have to. T

How to Clean White Shoes with Shaving Cream

Clean white sneakers with shaving cream to keep them white. Image Credit: BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images

These 11 Vinegar Hacks Just Made Spring Cleaning Easier

1 of 12 Its that time of year again! Spring cleaning is in full effect and its time to brea

Bathroom Cleaners Containing Phosphoric Acid

The acid is what makes bathroom cleaners so effective. Image Credit: IT Stock/Polka Dot/Getty Images Bathr

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