How to Make Your Own Shower Filter

Things You'll Need GE Opaq Whole House System water filterAdjustable crescent wrenchPipe thread tape6-inch shower

How to Straighten a Leaning Pool

Things You'll Need 2-by-4 boards (three or four)Tape measureDeck screwsScrewdriverLevelDrill with 3/8-inch bit3/8-inch m

Water Leaking Behind a Shower Escutcheon Plate

Water leaking behind the shower head can cause big problems. Image Credit: Jupiterimages/ Imag

Trees With Thorns in New York

New York hosts at least four species of trees with thorns. Image Credit: Images

5 Best Non-Toxic Cleaning Supplies for a Spick-and-Span Home

Spring is in full bloom and with all the new color comes new a responsibility to take care of our environment. One way t

How to Frame a Walkout Basement Door

Things You'll Need Tape measureCircular saw2-by-4-inch planksThinset mortarBucketTrowelMetal doorframeWooden shimsPencil

How to Repair a Rotted Wood Foundation

Installed against the concrete foundation, a wood foundation or a sill plate serves as the base of the structure. Despit

What type of perennial plant thrives in the West?

"A popular perennial of the West is the aster, which is known for the wide variety of species that the genus offers. Suc

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