How to Hide an AC Wall Unit With a Cornice Board

You can easily cover up an unsightly AC wall unit with a DIY fabric-wrapped cornice board. This step-by-step tutorial sh

What are common hazardous wastes in the home?

"How safe is your home?Hemera/ThinkstockDid you know that there are differences in what the words "danger," "caution," "

How to Remove Fabric Softener Stains

"Find out how to remove fabric softener stains from various surfaces.(c)­Fabric softener makes your freshly l

5 Tips for Cleaning Shower Heads

"How clean is your shower head?iStockphoto/ThinkstockIs your shower head not blasting water the way it used to? Has it t

How to Frame a Basement Wall Without a Floor Joist

Things You'll Need Tape measure2-by-4-inch boardsCarpenters square16d nailsConstruction adhesiveCarpenters levelPowder-a

Rough Framing for a Shower Valve Installation

Things You'll Need Tape measure2-by-4 lumberSawCombination square12d nailsHammerDrill with 11/16-inch bit8d nails

Combat Grease and Dirt With This Super DIY Multi-Purpose Cleaner

My everyday cleaning spray is a bottle of diluted vinegar. Its easy to make, safe to use around food and kids, and works

How to Remove Pet Stains

"Follow these steps to remove pet stains.ULTRA.F/­Getty Images­A pet is like a member of the family -- one that occasion

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