How Lawn Dethatching Works

"This beautifully manicured lawn may be hiding a dirty secret. See more pictures of famous gardens.Fergus O'Brien/Getty

How to Keep Bugs Out of Your Pantry and Kitchen

Is there anything worse than opening up your pantry or kitchen cabinet to find that ants or other bugs have invaded? Not

How to Clean Everyday Items Secretly Teeming with Germs

Typically we clean things around our home once we see that they are dirty. However, there are some things that may not a

How to Make Your Own Carpet Cleaner Solution

eHow may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article.Store-bought cleaning solution for carpet cleaners is

3 Ingredient Toilet Cleaning Bombs

Toilet cleaning is probably the top chore that no one wants to do. While a deep scrubbing is only needed every couple of

How to Get Rid of Tree Roots Under an Above-Ground Swimming Pool

Things You'll Need ShovelPickSawStump grinder, optionalRoot-blocking edging, 24-inches tallTip Sponsored tip: Need tools

Homemade Glass and Mirror Cleaning Wipes

Making your own homemade glass and mirror cleaning wipes is easy to do with just two ingredients, some towelettes, and a

Uses for Baking Soda: Clothing Care

"A few simple baking soda tricks can make laundry less challenging.Realistic Reflections/Getty ImagesBaking soda makes a

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