How to Reduce Vibration on a Genie Door Opener

Garage door opener motor vibration is normal, but it can be annoying. Image Credit: Jupiterimages/Comstock/Get

10 Cleaning & Organizing Hacks for the New Year

eHow may earn compensation through affiliate links in this tutorial. However poor your track record may be, its hard to

DIY Wall Box Shelf

This DIY wall box shelf is simple, budget-friendly and key to any space. It conveniently provides more storage to your r

Designing and Installing a Backyard Shower

"An outdoor shower is a refreshing treat on a hot day!iStockphoto/ThinkstockPerhaps you want an outdoor shower for pract

How to Remove Iodine Stains

"Removing iodine stains can be a difficult task.­Nichola Evans/Getty Images­Iodine can come in handy when cleaning up a

How Lawn and Garden Vacuums Work

"Vacuuming up leaves and other plant debris is a more precise, less noisy way of cleaning up your lawn.©

Secret to Removing Makeup Stains from Clothes

Makeup stains are one of the most common fabric stains, and can be difficult to remove...or so you may think! The truth

Can You Grow Jasmine in Massachusetts?

Even in Massachusetts, jasmines can be enjoyed. Image Credit: Visage/Stockbyte/Getty Images The enchanting

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