9 Ridiculously Simple and Stylish No Carve Pumpkin Decorating Ideas

While carving pumpkins is a Halloween tradition many of us enjoy, it can get pretty darn messy and its not everyones cup

How to Look Better on Zoom and FaceTime: 17 Tips

Working from home certainly has its perks, but video calls can leave you feelingblah. They say the camera adds 10 lbs, a

Middle Age and Fabulous! 7 Workouts for Women Over 50

For many women, maintaining a healthy weight or losing excess body fat becomes harder as you age. Your body begins to ch

Syndrome X: 15 Lifestyle and Diet Tips to Improve Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a serious health condition that puts you at greater risk for heart attack, stroke and other seriou

Family Game Night! 10 Fun and Easy Dice Games for Kids

If youre looking for new family game night ideas, this collection of dice games for kids is just what you need! Whether

8 Bedtime Workout Routines For Weight Loss and Better Sleep

If youre looking for bedtime workout routines for weight loss and better sleep, this post is for you!With gyms closed an

Is Breathing the New Smoking?

"Research reveals that air pollution in the United States and Europe is equal in negative health effects to smoking 0.4

PMS and Beyond: 9 Tips and Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

All women experience menstrual cramps differently. For some, they may be a mild inconvenience lasting a couple of days,

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