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Syndrome X: 15 Lifestyle and Diet Tips to Improve Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a serious health condition that puts you at greater risk for heart attack, stroke and other seriou

8 Bedtime Workout Routines For Weight Loss and Better Sleep

If youre looking for bedtime workout routines for weight loss and better sleep, this post is for you!With gyms closed an

PMS and Beyond: 9 Tips and Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

All women experience menstrual cramps differently. For some, they may be a mild inconvenience lasting a couple of days,

How to Use Activated Charcoal: 10 Uses and Benefits For Health and Beauty

You may have noticed activated charcoal popping up on your newsfeed and social media channels more often these days. It’

33 of The Best 30-Day Fitness Challenges to Try This Year

If youre looking for 30-day fitness challenges to help you get back into a regular exercise routine, crush your weight l

Healthy Snacking 101: 16 Sweet and Savoury Rice Cake Toppings

Rice cakes are such a great snack! Light and crispy, puffed rice cakes are a low-calorie carb that’s a great replacement

Strength Training At Home: 20 Upper Body Workouts for Women

Working out at home has never been easier than it is today. With amazing at home gym products and killer Youtube workout

Guilt Free and Delicious: 21 Desserts Under 100 Calories

Contrary to popular belief, you dont have to give up your favorite treats if you want to lose weight. In fact, many nutr

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