
33 Powerful Mental Health Quotes to Keep You Grounded

If youre looking for mental health quotes, sayings, and mantras to keep you grounded, this post is exactly what you need

Nematodes: Do We Still Need to Worry About Roundworms and Bare Feet?

"An intestinal roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) hatching from its egg. David Spears FRPS FRMS/Getty ImagesWas your mom a

Do You Need Soap to Get Your Dishes Clean?

"Ever think about whether you actually need soap to get your dishes clean? fcafotodigital/Getty ImagesConsumers in the U

How to Balance Blood Sugar Naturally: 8 Tips that Help

Blood sugar levels can have a huge impact on your energy and mood. We’ve all experienced imbalanced blood sugar and we a

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Syndrome X: 15 Lifestyle and Diet Tips to Improve Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a serious health condition that puts you at greater risk for heart attack, stroke and other seriou

Does the lead in lipstick cause cancer?

"Is the lead in lipstick enough to cause cancer? It depends on whom you ask.Donna Alberico/Getty ImagesZoe has two loves

Is Breathing the New Smoking?

"Research reveals that air pollution in the United States and Europe is equal in negative health effects to smoking 0.4

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