
Let Tea Take You for an Adventure

Let Tea Take You for an AdventureVisiting a new or favorite destination is one way to travel, but that’s not always possible. If you can’t escape to a new location, consider taking a mental break in t

Tips to Improve Wellness and Prevent Stroke

Tips to Improve Wellness and Prevent StrokeStroke is often thought of as something that happens to older people, but more people under 50 are having strokes due to increased risky behaviors, such as s

CNN’s Sanjay Gupta on How Marijuana Can Break Opioid Addiction

"Cannabis plants grow in the greenhouse at Vireo Health's medical marijuana facility in New York State. New York's law a

Why Are People Eating Activated Charcoal?

"Charcoal popsicle, anyone? Yes, activated charcoal is even making its way into frozen treats, but how factual are claim

Drop the Razors, Guys! Chest Hair Is Back

"Hairy-chest-exposing-god Freddie Mercury is seen here performing next to Queen guitarist Brian May at Wembley Stadium.

Liquid Nitrogen ‘Dragon’s Breath’ Cereal: A Dangerous Fad

"Liquid nitrogen can easily blister fingers and hands, and ingesting it can cause serious damage to the mouth, esophagus

Do Too-tight Jog Bras Impair Breathing?

"Runners should be especially mindful of how their sports bras fit so as not to affect the body's demand for oxygen. Asc

Enough With the Term ‘Healthy Obesity,’ Says Researcher

"Healthy obese people are rarer than thought says a U.K. researcher, who believes research dollars and resources would b

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